Friday, June 26, 2009

Seven days and still bubbles...

As an update to my last post it's now been one week since I started my homebrewing experiment and so far so good. I had a little bit of overflow during the initial two days, but that subsided and it's been clear sailing ever since. Next Friday I'll check the alcohol level and if the fermentation is complete I'll go ahead and bottle my first batch.
So with my first batch nearing bottling any suggestions for my second batch? Just to refresh this batch is a Belgian White similar to Blue Moon or Shock Top. I think my next might be a bock or lager. What do you think?


  1. i love shock top, perhaps by the time I get to tally in august you will have perfected this whole beer brewing thing....I have faith!

  2. I just started my second batch. It's a Honey Brown Ale. It smells good. I should be bottling the first batch in a couple of days.
