Monday, June 22, 2009

"But you could have just bought it at the grocery store..."

Most people who know me know that I'm more than a little DIY. I like to do anything possible myself from working on my bike and cars to cooking from scratch. And so it was one faithful Thursday afternoon as I was riding home from work I noticed a small shop on Tennessee Street. The Homebrew Den.
Now I've thought of brewing my own beer many times before, but it just never seemed convenient, with a store in town it turned convenient really quick. And so a few short hours later I had gone home, changed, hopped in my truck, and gone to The Homebrew Den and back and now had all the supplies needed to make beer, wine, and mead (The last two will come into fruition later in the year.)
And so Friday night I set upon my task sanitizing, boiling, stiring, making a huge mess (Malt is sticky.) But after a few hours I was able to pour my brew into the carboy. Now I have 4 weeks to wait until I will be able to pop the top on my first homebrew and take a sip of something akin to Blue Moon.
Upon telling my Mom about my new hobby (To be honest I've probably got to many hobbies as is) her only response was "But you could have just bought it at the grocery store..." I don't think she gets it.


  1. thats really exciting! not many people try to do that...i think....? haha, but i hope it ends up tasting good! :)

  2. So if I contribute my bottles, then may I be a taste tester?

  3. I think we can probably work something out.
